Jan 05: In a bid to nail Pakistan’s lies, India on Monday said that it has handed over to Islamabad the evidence it has collected in connection with last November’s Mumbai terror attacks. 

Addressing a brief press conference in New Delhi, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that New Delhi has handed over to Islamabad evidence about involvement of Pakistan-based elements in Mumbai attacks. Foreign Secretary Shivshanker Menon summoned Pakistan High Commissioner Shahid Mallik to hand over the evidence, he added. 

“What happened in Mumbai is an unpardonable crime; we ask Pakistan to implement bilateral commitments it has given at the highest levels,” Mukherjee said. 

He further announced that India will brief the resident Heads of Foreign Missions on Mumbai attack evidence in the next 24 hours. Indian Ambassadors around the world will also brief the respective governments on the same, he added. 

The minister has also written to his counterparts around the world giving details of the events in Mumbai and evidence that has been collected. 

Mukherjee also expressed hope that “the world would unite to achieve the goal of eliminating terror”. 

The move to hand over evidence to Pakistan came amid persistent denial by Islamabad that its nationals were involved in November 26, 2008 attacks. The Pakistani leadership has instead blamed “non-state actors” for the Mumbai attacks. 

India has said that all 10 terrorists who carried out Mumbai attacks were Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) members and underwent training in Pakistan’s territory. 

New Delhi has also prepared a dossier of evidence about involvement of LeT and will be handed over to the US by Home Minister P Chidambaram when he goes to Washington later in the week. 

The dossier includes confession of Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone terrorist arrested during the Mumbai attacks, and other technical evidence. The dossier also includes satellite phone intercepts and a record of the logbooks recovered from MV Kuber, the hijacked boat used by the 10 terrorists to reach Mumbai. 

The US’ Federal Bureau of Investigation has also conducted a parallel investigation into the Mumbai strikes and reportedly handed over the evidence collected to authorities in Islamabad yesterday. 

source: Zee news