In a startling revelation, security forces in Jammu & Kashmir have learnt that Pakistan’s ISI is reportedly inducting women into militancy.

The plans came to light during the interrogation of a woman named Asiya Malik who was arrested by the J&K police last week.

According to reports, the ISI is adopting a new strategy and recruiting women for carrying out terrorist attacks.

The woman, who is alleged to be an ISI agent, confessed that she was trained by the ISI in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir’s (PoK) Bhiber and Kotli.

Asiya also disclosed that nearly 100 girls belonging to different countries, including Saudi Arabia, are being trained in various terrorist camps in PoK and are financed by Pakistan’s notorious spy agency.

Giving a detailed account of the training, the woman militant revealed how Pakistani girls are being trained to handle of weapons, explosives, jungle warfare and sabotage activities.

“I’ve seen the Mujahideen training camps. Women are also being trained here. Right now, there are about 700 women receiving arms training in different militant camps run by the ISI. These women are also provided with terror literature and taught how to use small arms like guns and grenades,” she said in a recorded confession.