Hi All,
Open any news paper and website, you come to know about what happened in India during terror attack….

Indian Govt is responsible for this blast and they should take the moral responsibility. They put all anti terror and intelligence agency in framing a Sadhvi Pragya in order to fulfill their vote bank policy. In the mean time, terrorist planned this and executed it very well. Indian intelligence agency was clueless about this. No Pakistan, No muslim are responcible for this. Incapable Indian Govt is responsible for that. India does not have any effective terror law. It boost the morale of terrorist as Indian Govt is shying in executing the death penalty to parliament attack convict. It ensure them that do the crime and nobody will touch you.

Have we ever asked ourself why a top politician lawyer is ready to save the mastermind of terror attack on parliament.

America attacked the country which was responsible for the training and support to the WTC attackers, but we are not even in the position to put ourself in the strong position and put pressure on the terror camps to close in our close vicinity.

What is next in waiting for us???

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